[ primaryBalance|BN ] (in shard)
[ totalBalance|BN ] (total)
Chain [shard.chainId] / Shard [ shard.shardId ]
[ balance|BN ] [tokenStr]Loading ...
Contract creation transaction (in the same shard) (confirmation time is ~15 seconds)
In-shard transaction on shard [toShard] (confirmation time is ~15 seconds)
Cross-shard transaction from shard [fromShard] to shard [toShard] (confirmation time is ~90 seconds)
Raw Transaction
Signed Transaction Hash
[ `${fromAddress}` ]
[ `(shard ${fromShard})`.padStart(50) ]
[ toShard !== -1 ? `${toAddress}` : "Contract Creation" ]
[ `(shard ${toShard})`.padStart(50) ]
You'll send [ Number(amount) | BN ] [tokenStr]
Max Transaction Fee [ (gasLimit || 1e6) * gasPriceGwei / 1e9 | BN ] [gasTokenStr]